Automatiko 0.23.0 released

Make users aware of awaiting tasks

Posted by Automatiko team on March 15, 2023 · 3 mins read

We are pleased to announce a new release of Automatiko - 0.23.0


  • Template based forms to start workflow instances
  • Microsoft Teams and Slack user task notification
  • Custom user task notification support
  • New verson of Automatiko Modeler

Template based forms to start workflow instances

In some cases the workflow instance is started by human actors. That means there is usually some kind of form to be populated with inputs and then new instance of the workflow is created. This release of automatiko allows users to define forms as templates in the service that are automatically retruned to user when using the GET endpoint of the workflow REST api.

These templates are based on Quarkus Qute and allow to be either a full html page or a fragment to be integrated in existing front ends.

These template based workflow forms are provided by io.automatiko.addons:automatiko-user-tasks-management-addon module but custom ones can also be created by implementing io.automatiko.engine.api.workflow.ui.FormProvider interface

To learn more about workflow instance start templates, read dedicated section in Automatiko documentation

Microsoft Teams and Slack user task notification

When working on workflows that involve human actors then notification to quickly inform relevant assignees about awaiting work is crucial. Up to this release, Automatiko allowed to use emails as notification channel. With this release, two additional channels are added

  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams
Both implementation are based on so called Incoming webhooks and allow to easily push notification to specified channels. That means that each user task that requires notification needs to define what channel it should send notification to. It is given as custom attribute named teams-channel and slack-channel. Once the user task defined which channel to use, it also requires to be configured as part of the - the URL of the webhook for given channel.

Content of the notification is also configurable based on templates so users can get better experience when interacting with the notifications.

To learn more about user task notifications, read dedicated section in Automatiko documentation

Custom user task notification support

User task notifications provide very convinient way of informing users about tasks to be worked on. Automatiko comes with following mechanisms to notify users:

  • email
  • slack
  • teams
This might or might not be enough and to addresss that custom notifications can also be provided. This essentially means to implement io.automatiko.engine.addons.usertasks.notification.NotificationEmitter that is defined as part of io.automatiko.addons:automatiko-user-tasks-notification module. It is expected to be a CDI bean and then it will be automatically discovered and registered.

A good way to start with custom notification emitter is to look at how email, slack or teams are implemented.

To learn more about user task notifications, read dedicated section in Automatiko documentation

New verson of Automatiko Modeler

A new version of Automatiko BPMN modeler has been also released. The latest version is 2.2.0 and supports Eclipse version 2022-12. You can download it directly from the GitHub releases.

Photographs by Unsplash.